Research of Oleg Braun (outline)


My main activity is devoted to condensed matter physics with applications to surface science and nanotribology. From a theoretical point of view, most of my work is connected with nonlinear physics. Both these areas are described below in more detail. In the research, I widely use computer simulation. However, I also exactly solved the following problems of a general interest

proposed and studied the following new models and obtained the following new results

Surface Science

Interaction between adsorbed atoms
In a series of papers I studied the interaction of an adsorbed atom with the substrate, which properly takes into account the electrostatic interaction (the "image forces") and the interaction between adsorbed atoms both for short and large distances between the atoms. These results are summarized in the review paper Usp. Fiz. Nauk 157 (1989) 631 (with V.K. Medvedev)

Energy exchange on the surface
In another series of papers I investigated different mechanisms of energy exchange between an adsorbed atom and the substrate as well as between different degrees of freedom of the adsorbate. This topic is connected with vibrational spectroscopy of adsystems. A theory of stimulated processes was also developed. The results are summarized in the review paper Usp. Fiz. Nauk 158 (1989) 421 (with A.I. Volokitin and V.P. Zhdanov)

Surface diffusivity and crystal growth
A long series of papers is devoted to surface dynamics. First, a general method of calculation of the diffusion coefficient for any symmetry of the lattice with a complex elementary cell in the framework of the lattice-gas (LG) model has been developed. Then, a new LG-type model with anisotropic probabilities of atomic jumps was proposed and solved. This model predicts a non-uniform diffusion profile observed experimentally. The diffusion of a single adatom in a two-dimensional substrate potential as well as the motion of a dimer and the role of entropy barriers were studied. The collective diffusion mechanism has been studied in the framework of the generalized Frenkel-Kontorova model. In particular, dependence of the diffusion coefficient on the concentration of adatoms was elaborated, the reconstructive crystal growth and the solitonic-exchange diffusion were investigated with the help of the "zigzag" Frenkel-Kontorova model. These results are summarized in the survey Physics Reports 306 (1998) 1 and the monograph on the FK model (with Yu.S. Kivshar)

Finally, my recent activity is devoted to dynamics of a thin lubricant layer confined between two solid substrates in a moving contact. A theory of melting of a thin confined film has been developed. The algorithm with a realistic damping coefficient in Langevin equations has been constructed. The simulation allowed us to calculate the friction coefficient for different parameters of the model. Different regimes were found and investigated, in particular, the "perfect-sliding" regime for a solid lubricant. A minimal velocity for the transition from smooth sliding to stick-slip in a single frictional contact was determined. The experimentally observed stick-slip motion at low driving velocities was explained in the framework of the earthquake-like model. Self-ordering of the lubricant due to sliding-induced heating which leads to almost perfect sliding with a very low friction (superlubricity) has been predicted and studied. Role of the shape of lubricant molecules (either linear or spherical) was studied. Recently, a new approach based on the earthquake-like model with a distribution of static thresholds is developed. Some of these results are summarized in the survey Surface Science Reports 60 (2006) 79 (with A.G. Naumovets) (see also a short review in Russian or English "Нанотрибология: механизмы трения на атомном уровне", опубликованном в сборнике "Актуальные проблемы современного материаловедения" под редакцией И.К. Походни, том 2, стр. 253-268, Киев, "Академпериодика", 2008, посвященном 90-летию академика Бориса Евгеньевича Патона, президента Национальной академии наук Украины, а також наукове повідомлення на засіданні Президії НАН України 24 жовтня 2012 року "Сучасні уявлення про механізми тертя" (& draft))

Nonlinear Physics

Generalized Frenkel-Kontorova model
In a series of papers I studied the chain of  anharmonically  interacting atoms subjected to the external periodic potential. The ground state and its excitations, the Newtonian and Langevin dynamics of the model were investigated. The role of impurities was studied in detail. Motion of a finite atomic chain (the "caterpillar" motion) was described. The scalar two-dimensional Frenkel-Kontorova model for a system of interacting chains was proposed and studied (with Yu.S. Kivshar and A.M. Kosivich). Most of these results have been applied to problems of surface diffusion

Zigzag FK model
A new model, called as the "zigzag" Frenkel-Kontorova model, where the atoms are allowed to move not only along the chain as in the classical Frenkel-Kontorova model, but also in the transverse direction, was proposed (with Yu.S. Kivshar) and studied in detail. This model predicts, in particular, new interesting phenomena such as the reconstructive crystal growth, the solitonic-exchange mechanism of surface diffusion, the fuse-safety device on an atomic scale, etc.

Driven systems
The nonlinear mobility of a system of interacting atoms in the external periodic potential was studied in a series of papers. Phase diagrams for one- and two-dimensional systems have been constructed. The supersonic and multiple kinks were found and their properties were investigated. A mechanism of instability of the fast driven kink has been studied in detail. The multi-step transition from the locked ground state to the running steady state was investigated. In particular, the regime of traffic jams was discovered and explained. Different scenarios of the locked-to-running transition were studied in detail both for one- and two-dimensional variants of the model. These results are mainly applied to tribological problems

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Last updated on September 26, 2008 by Oleg Braun           Translated from LATEX by HEVEA