The driven lattice-gas (LG) model

We propose a new type of the lattice-gas (LG) model, where the atoms may be in two different states: the immobile state, in which they jump as usual in the LG model, and the running state, in which the atoms always jump in the driving direction. The model demonstrates a typical behavior of traffic-jam models: the system splits into domains of immobile atoms (jams) and running atoms. We considered a one-dimensional (1D) LG model and also four variants of the two-dimensional (2D) LG model, namely the multi-lane and truly-2D models with passive and active atomic jumps. The 2D model is characterized by the steady state with a power law distribution of jam sizes with the universal exponent 3/2. The phase diagram of the model shows that the mobility of the 2D system is lower than the mobility of the 1D model due to spreading of jams in the direction transverse to the driving direction.

Lattice-gas (LG) models goto top

Dimensionless concentration: θ = N/M,  where N  is the number of atoms and M  is the number of sites (N<M).

Hard-core interaction (Langmuir model): each site is either empty or occupied by one atom.

The LG model describes the overdamped dynamics at low temperatures  T  (T << ε).


The driven LG model:




FK model:  γ± = w exp æ
ε ± aF





 LG model:  γ+= γα  and  γ= γ(1–α),  where  0.5 < α < 1;  αaF/kBT   so that  J ~ γ+– γ


Underdamped system: two-state LG model goto top

Underdamped system: inertia effects   bistability & hysteresis.

In the bistable region, two states: “immobile” and “running”. At jump, immobile running


One-dimensional two-state LG model goto top

Each atom may be either in an immobile state or in the running state
immobile (locked) state
running (sliding) state
b4a.gif b4b.gif

rule:  immobile running

(jump to empty state)


rule:  running immobile

(collision with immobile atom)

b4c.gif b4d.gif


Rules goto top

1. At each time step t t+1, one chooses at random a site i
2. If this site is occupied by immobile atom, it jumps to the site i+1
    (if this site is empty) with the probability α,
    or  it jumps to the site i1 (if the left-hand site is empty) with the probability 1−α.
    After the jump to the left the atom remains in the immobile state,
    while  after the jump to the right the atom is in the running state.
3. If the atom in the chosen site i is in the running state,
    it jumps to the right provided the right-hand site is empty,
    and remains in the running state.
    Otherwise, if the site i+1 is not empty, the atom in the site i remains in
    the running state if the right-hand site is occupied by the running atom,
    or becomes immobile if the site i+1 is occupied by the immobile atom.
4. Use periodic boundary conditions & sequential dynamics.
Note: open boundary condition → the partially asymmetric exclusion model


Evolution goto top

The Frenkel-Kontorova model:

atomic trajectories versus time

                  Two-state lattice-gas model:

                   immobile atoms in black, running atoms in grey

fig03.gif fig12.gif

Details of simulation for the FK model: we used Langevin motion equations,

+ η
+ sin xi+

[V(xi+1xi) + V(xixi–1)] = F + δFi(t)
with the exponential interatomic interaction, V(x)=V0eβx, so that the elastic constant is  g=V0β2exp(–βaA), and the parameters are  aA=a/θ,  θ=2/3,  g=0.1, T=0.1,  η=0.1,  β = 1/π,  and  f=0.33


The steady state goto top

The LM-TJ model is solvable!

Let us define a dimensionless "mobility" B=Nr/N, where Nr is the number of running atoms. Then

B α(1–θ)

   if  α<θ

and B=1 for α>θ


Proof:  Let there is only a sigle jam of the length s. Local concentration in the jam is θs=1, the length of the running domain (RD) is Mr. Then we maylet us use a simple arithmetic: s+Nr=Ns+Mr=M. Because Nr=Mrθr and N=, we have B=θr(1–θ)/(1–θr)θ.  The most left site of any RD is always empty, therefore the running domain grows from its left-hand side with the rate α. The most right atom leaves the RD with the rate pr, where pr is the probability that the most right site of the RD is occupied. Approximately,  prθr. Thus, we obtain the desired expression Eq.(*).

Kinetics of jams goto top

Due to randomness of joining and losing events, the value  s(t)  exhibits random walks: at long times,  t >>1,  t >>1, and  |tt| >>1, it behaves as  [s(t)–s(t)]2≈2α|tt|. Thus, at  α < θ  the infinite system has no steady state at all. A  finite system does have a truly steady state corresponded to the absence of jams at all: Because the maximal jam's size is bounded, after a time τ, where  τ = M2(θα)2/2α(1–α)2,  all jams disappear.

Distribution of jam's sizes: P(s) ~ exp(−s2/4αt)  for  s>>1  and  t>>1


1D model vs 2D model ? goto top

Conclusion for the 1D model:  for  θ>α  there always exist traffic jams,  B<1,  due to: (a) randomness, and (b) hard-core interaction. The 1D model has no stationary state [although  B(t)=const]. Thus, a receipts to avoid traffic jams are the following:  (a) reduce θ,  and  (b) try to keep equidistance.


Question for a 2D modelB(2D) ↔ B(1D) ?  Example: the two-lane model
(a)(a) detour TJs
      B(2D) > B(1D)
(b)  creation of new TJs
     B(2D) < B(1D)


Two-dimensional two-state LG model goto top

Triangular lattice:

f = forward
b = backward
u = up
d = down
Recall: γ± = ω exp æ
ε ± aF


Use:  αf0c2αfu=αfd=α0c,  αb=α0/c2αbu=αbd=α0/c,  where  c~exp(aF/2T).

Normalization:  αf + αfu+ αfd + αb + αbu + αbd = 1

Define: the total probability of the jump in the driving direction is  α = αf + αfu + αfd


Rules goto top

1. Each atom may be either in an immobile state or in the running state.

2. At each time step t t+1, one chooses at random a site i.

3. If this site is occupied by immobile atom, it jumps to one of six neighboring sites with

    a corresponding probability, provided the chosen site is empty.

    After the jump to one of three backward (left-hand side, i.e., b, bu, bd) directions

    the atom remains in the immobile state, while

    after the jump to the right (in the f-, fu-, or fd-direction)

    the atom is in the running state.

4. If the atom in the chosen site i is in the running state, it jumps to the right

    provided the right-hand site is empty, and remains in the running state.

    Otherwise, if the right-hand site is not empty, the atom may either remain in the running state or it may

    become immobile if the right-hand site is occupied by the immobile atom.

5. Use periodic boundary conditions & sequential dynamics.

6. Four different variants:  multilane model ↔ truly-2D model

                                           passive jumps ↔ active jumps

Multi-lane and truly-2D models. The difference between multi-lane and truly-2D models is that in the multi-lane model, similarly to the 1D model, the running atom jumps to the right (in the f-direction) provided the site ahead of the running atom is empty, while in the truly-2D model the running atom remembers the direction of the previous jump (an analog of inertia effect in Newtonian dynamics) and continues to jump in the same direction (i.e., in the f-, fu-, or fd-direction). After the jump, the atom remains in the running state. If the site, to which the running atom has to jump, is occupied by a running atom, both atoms remain in the running state (in the truly-2D model we additionally assume that these two running atoms exchange by their jumping directions, similarly to momentum exchange in Newtonian dynamics). However, if the site, to which the running atom has to jump, is occupied by an immobile atom, the behavior is different for two more variants of the model:
b6a.gif b6b.gif
Passive and active jumps. In the model with passive jumps, the running atom becomes immobile if the site, to which the running atom has to jump, is occupied by an immobile atom analogously to the 1D model. On the other hand, in the model with active jumps the running atom becomes immobile, only if all three sites (f, fu and fd) are occupied by immobile atoms. If one of these sites is empty, the running atom jumps to this site (in the case of two empty sites the jumping site is chosen randomly).


\ b6e.gif


Evolution goto top

Example: multi-lane model with active jumps for  α=0.75,  θ=0.8  (see this figure enlarged)


snapshot: immobile atoms in black, running atoms in grey (lattice 512 x 512,  t=105)


Movies goto top

short time scale (Δt=1) animated gif 3.3 Mb

long time scale (Δt=10) animated gif 5 Mb

both for multi-lane model with active jumps for α=0.75 and θ=0.8 (lattice 512x512,  tini=105)

immobile atoms in green running atoms in red


2D model: distribution of jam sizes goto top

The 2D system has the truly steady state with a power law distribution of jam sizes characterized by the universal exponent 3/2:   P(s) = As–3/2,  where A = ( ∑s=1 s–3/2 )–1 ≈0.383

Histogram of size distribution of immobile islands for the multi-lane model with active jumps at three times (t=103, 104  and 105)  for  α=0.75,  θ=0.8,  Mx=My=1024 (enlarged view)
fig030.gif Histogram  P(s)  for the truly 2D model with active jumps  (α=0.95,   θ=0.8,  Mx=My=512,  t=103B0.64) (enlarged view)

Histograms for other parameters of the model are the following:

   multilane model with passive jumps:
      alpha=0.55,  theta=0.50,  file=
      alpha=0.55,  theta=0.70,  file=
      alpha=0.75,  theta=0.70,  file=
      alpha=0.75,  theta=0.80,  file=
      alpha=0.95,  theta=0.88,  file=
   multilane model with active jumps:
      alpha=0.55,  theta=0.50,  file=
      alpha=0.75,  theta=0.70,  file=
      alpha=0.75,  theta=0.80,  file=
      alpha=0.95,  theta=0.88,  file=
      alpha=0.95,  theta=0.90,  file=
   truly 2D model with passive jumps:
      alpha=0.55,  theta=0.50,  file=

      alpha=0.55,  theta=0.70,  file=2dpas-d.gif
      alpha=0.55,  theta=0.90,  file=
      alpha=0.75,  theta=0.60,  file=
      alpha=0.75,  theta=0.70,  file=
      alpha=0.75,  theta=0.80,  file=
      alpha=0.75,  theta=0.90,  file=
      alpha=0.95,  theta=0.70,  file=
      alpha=0.95,  theta=0.80,  file=
      alpha=0.95,  theta=0.88,  file=
      alpha=0.95,  theta=0.90,  file=
      alpha=0.95,  theta=0.94,  file=
   truly 2D model with active jumps:
      alpha=0.55,  theta=0.62,  file=
      alpha=0.55,  theta=0.70,  file=
      alpha=0.75,  theta=0.70,  file=
      alpha=0.75,  theta=0.80,  file=
      alpha=0.75,  theta=0.90,  file=
      alpha=0.95,  theta=0.74,  file=
      alpha=0.95,  theta=0.80,  file=
      alpha=0.95,  theta=0.88,  file=
      alpha=0.95,  theta=0.90,  file=
      alpha=0.95,  theta=0.94,  file=

Some analytical results goto top

Consider the statistics of coalescence and splitting of immobile islands. Let

Pt(s)  be the distribution of immobile islands at time moment  t,

R(k+s, k)  be the rate (per one time unit) of splitting of the island of size  k+s  into two smaller islands  k  and  s,  and

T(k+s, k)  be the rate of coalescence of two islands  k  and  s  into one island of size  k+s.

Master equation:
ΔPt+1(s) ≡ Pt+1(s) – Pt(s) =

Pt(k+s) R(k+s,s) - Pt(s) s–1

+ s–1

T(s,k) Pt(k) Pt(sk)
- Pt(s)

T(s+k,k) Pt(k).

The steady state must satisfy the equation ΔPt(s)=0.  Suppose that

(a) the rate of coalescence does not depend on the sizes of colliding islands,  T(s, k)=T0  for all  s  and  k,  and

(b) R(s, k) depends on the size of the island only,  R(s, k)≈R(s).

In this case  R(s)  should behave as  R(s) ~ (s–1)–1  for  s >> 1.

Proof: substituting  T(s, k)=T0  and  R(s, k)=R(s)  into the master equation for the steady state,

we can rewrite it in the form  R(s) = [T0a(s)+b(s)]/(s–1),  where  a(s)=–1+∑k=1s–1 P(k)P(sk)/P(s)  and  b(s)=∑k=s+1 R(k)P(k)/P(s).  Therefore, the splitting rate has to have the form  R(s)=R0/(s–1)  for  s>>1  provided the function  a(s)  has a finite limit0 < lims→∞ a(s) < ∞.  However, such a limit exists only for the power-law distribution of island sizes,  P(s)=ζ–1(ν)s–ν,  where  ζ(ν)  is the Riemann zeta-function. Moreover, the function  aν(s)=–1+ζ –1(ν)s νk=1s–1k –ν(sk)–ν  has a nonzero limit for one value of the exponent  ν only, namely  ν≈3/2,  as demonstrated in the figure below (see it enlarged).


Finally, the self-consistent solution of the steady state distribution is achieved with the parameters R0 = CT0, where C≈3 is the numerical constant.


Shape of jams goto top

Snapshot configurations at  t=105 of the multi-lane model with active jumps (lattice 512 × 512) for different model parameters. Iimmobile atoms in black, running atoms in grey

fig050a.gif fig050c.gif

(a)  α = 0.55,  θ = 0.5,  B 0.8 (low forcing)

(c)  α = 0.95,  θ = 0.9,  B 0.7 (high forcing)


Comparison of different models goto top


Multi-lane vs truly-2D models and passive vs active jumps goto top

B(multi-lane) > B(truly 2D) in most cases, and  B(active) > B(passive)

fig090.gif fig080.gif
          enlarged view           enlarged view


1D vs 2D models goto top

In most cases  B(1D) > B(2D):

Phase diagram goto top

Conclusion goto top

The 1D model:  when  θ > α, then the traffic jams exist always,  B < 1,  due to (a) randomness and (b) hard-core interaction. The 1D model has no stationary state (although B=const).

The 2D model has a truly steady state with a power-law distribution of jam sizes characterized by the universal exponent 3/2. Typically  B(1D) > B(2D).


Receipts to avoid traffic jams:

 (a) reduce the concentration θ;

 (b) try to keep equidistance;

 (c) use one-lane roads (or forbid lane changing on the multilane road).


See Oleg Braun and Bambi Hu, J. Stat. Phys. 92 (1998) 629 "Traffic jams in a lattice-gas model" and Phys. Rev. E 71 (2005) 031111 "Two-dimensional two-state lattice-gas model"  (pdf files may be found here)

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Last updated on September 26, 2008 by Oleg Braun.                Translated from LATEX by TTH