
01.04.04 - Physical Electronics

Group specialties - 01.04. - Physics.

I. Formula specialty:
Theoretical and experimental studies of the interaction of free carriers with electromagnetic fields of radiation sources and amplifiers, physical phenomena that occur with electrons and ions in a vacuum, gases, solids and surface phenomena including electron emission, the physical basis for the creation of new electronic, semiconductor and quantum generators and amplifiers of electromagnetic waves and vibrations.

II. Areas of research
Experimental and theoretical research in the following areas:

  • linear and nonlinear interaction of electrons, ions and molecules with electromagnetic fields (experimental study, microscopic and macroscopic theory), laser optical, infrared and submillimeter ranges;
  • excitation of electromagnetic waves and oscillations in resonators with streams of electrons;
  • normal variations in the sources of electromagnetic radiation detectors and amplifiers and study them in a state of chaos dynamichnooho;
  • electron and ion emission from solids and liquids; physical phenomena on the surface, determining the emission properties of solids and liquids;
  • elementary and collective processes of scattering, ionization, excitation in gases and gas discharges;
  • physics of ion beams;
  • collision of charged and neutral particles from the surfaces of solids;
  • physical principles methods based on the use of electron and ion emission;
  • electron and ion optics;
  • application of research results in the field of physical electronics.

Using methods for the study of physical electronics
- Phase transitions on the surface of solids refers to the specialty 04.01.07, solid state physics.
- Collective processes in high-temperature plasma refers to the specialty 01.04.08-plasma physics.

III. Field of Science, which awarded degrees: physics and mathematics.

01.04.05 - Optics, Laser Physics

Group specialties - 01.04. - Physics.

I. Formula specialty:
Experimental and theoretical study of light emission, its propagation in environments of different nature, the absorption in the medium, and the refraction and reflection at the boundary of separation, the interaction of multiple light streams, the formation of coherent light sources, optical recording media. Studies using well-known methods or original.

II. Areas of Research:
Experimental and theoretical research in the following areas:

  • electromagnetic nature of light.
  • light interference and diffraction of light, forming an optical image, Fourier optics, optical scattering medium.
  • Radiation optics.
  • characteristics of optical devices and optical measurement techniques, optoelectronics.
  • optical recording media. Photochemical action of light. The process of optical recording media for recording media containing money and without money. Optical holography basics. Dynamic holography. Laser photochemistry and biochemistry.
  • Thin film medium for holography and optical information recording.
  • Crystal. Optical thin layers.
  • Molecular optics.
  • Quantum and statistical optics.
  • Optics quantum transitions.
  • Optical spectroscopy (atomic and molecular spectroscopy, spectroscopy of solids, luminescence, optical properties of superconductors).
  • Physics lasers. Active medium for lasers. Resonators.
  • Optics ultrashort pulses, nonlinear optics, the interaction of laser radiation with matter, the physical aspects of the use of lasers. Holographic diffractive elements. Methods and processes parameters of laser radiation.
  • Nonlinear optical phenomena in photorefractive materials and liquid crystals. Nonlinear laser spectroscopy of ultra-high resolution.

Using laser and optical methods for solving problems or problems related to other specialties, are not grounds for defending a thesis in specialty 01.04.05-optics, laser physics.

III. Field of Science, which awarded degrees: physics and mathematics.

01.04.07 - Solid State Physics

Group specialties - 01.04. - Physics.

I. Formula specialty:
Experimental and theoretical study of the structure, physical properties and kinetic phenomena in crystalline and amorphous environments, studying the influence of external fields, ionizing radiation, particle radiation on micro-and macro under different conditions (temperature, pressure, etc.). Studies using methods or contain results that can be used for different types of materials.

II. Areas of research
Experimental and theoretical research in the following areas:

  • study interatomic interaction, principles and laws, which form the structure of solids and liquid crystals and cryocrystals. Symmetry aspects of solid state physics.
  • energy spectra of solids (phonons, the spectra of electronic excitations, magnons, etc..) and methods for its study (optical and photoacoustic spectroscopy, etc.). Optical properties of excitons and other quasiparticles, including under intense excitation. Experimental and theoretical study mizhkvazichastynkovyh interactions.
  • study of the influence of external factors (temperature, mechanical stress, static electric and magnetic fields, electromagnetic fields, radiation) on the physical properties of solids and installation features of kinetic and relaxation processes caused by this influence.
  • Thermodynamics and phase transformations in solids. Atomic structure and phase transitions in adsorbed layers on the surface of solids and films.
  • Experimental and theoretical study of nonlinear dissipative structures. Properties of solid-state plasma.
  • interaction with solids flux of ionizing electromagnetic radiation and powerful. Defects, radiation defects, electron-stimulated reactions defects metastabilnist.
  • Defects in the crystal structure, the evolution of the defect structure under the influence of external factors, the interaction of defects, the impact of the defect structure on the physico-mechanical and kinetic properties of solids.
  • Experimental and theoretical methods of analysis of the defect structure, mathematical modeling, calculations of structure parameters and physico-mechanical properties of solids.
  • Impurities and their units, their dynamics and restructuring, segregation phenomena, diffusion phenomena in solids and their surfaces.
  • Extremal properties and structural conditions, nanocrystals, quasicrystals, amorphization.
  • physical foundation of strength and plasticity of solids.
  • Physical properties of low-dimensional systems. Physical principles of purposeful formation of the composition and structure of materials in a compact and low states with new useful properties. Mechanisms of formation of the structure and physical properties of thin films (amorphous poly-and monocrystalline), including multilayer.
  • Mixed crystals and disordered solids. Physics of solid solutions nonmetallic substances, including diluted magnetic crystals.
  • High-frequency and resonance phenomena in solids. Effect of defect structure of impurity atoms and external fields on the high-frequency resonance and oscillation phenomena in solids.
  • Solid aspects of physical processes in biomaterials and biological structures.

Using the methods of solid state physics to solve problems or problems related to other specialties, is not a ground for defense by specialty 01.04.07-solid-state physics.

III. Field of Science, which awarded degrees: Physics and mathematics

01.04.15 - physics of molecular and liquid crystals

Group specialties - 01.04. - Physics.

I. Formula specialty:
Theoretical and experimental studies of the structure, phase transitions, physical (optical, electrical, maahnitnyh, acoustic, PV) properties of molecular and liquid crystals and influencing them external physical fields.

II. Areas of research
Experimental and theoretical research in the following areas:

  • optical, photovoltaic, electrical, magnetic, acoustic, thermodynamic and statistical properties of molecular and liquid crystals;
  • defects, structural properties and liquid impurities in molecular and liquid crystals;
  • contact liquid crystal with solids and molecular crystals of metals and semiconductors;
  • nonlinear dissipative structures in liquid crystals;
  • structure and polymorphism of molecular crystals;
  • optical and thermodynamic properties of systems "guest host";
  • LCD inclusions in other structures, and inclusions of other phases in liquid crystals;
  • physical properties and dynamics of phonons in molecular crystals with hydrogen bonds;
  • ion-molecular crystals with hydrogen bonds;
  • electronic structure, vibrational and solid-excitations in molecular crystals.

III. Field of Science, which awarded degrees: physics and mathematics.