1 1. Stigmatic single pass spectrograph made by Renishaw plc (United Kingdom):
Spectral resolution less than 1 cm-1
Signal-to-noise ratio not less than 40/1
Accuracy of the wave number not less than 1 cm-1
1.2.Standard CCD array detector with improved performance in near IR range (576 x 384 pixels). Peltier cooled to - 70°C (Renishaw plc. United Kingdom). No water or liquid nitrogen required.
Pixel size - 22x22 mkm
Minimum cycle time - 10 ?s
Dark noise - less than 0,005 electrons/pixel/sec
Quantum effciency - more than 48%
Spectral range - 200-1060 nm
1.3. Kinematic system baseplate
Kinematic honeycomb baseplate for spectrometer, microscope and up to three lasers (Renishaw plc, United Kingdom).
1.4. Microscope
Specially adapted Research Grade Leica microscope DM 2500 (Leica Microsystems, Germany) allowing advanced true confocal measurements. Including:
Reflected light illumination
Monocular head with colour video camera
5×, 20× and 50× objectives
Manual XY sample stage.
1.5. Laser kit
1.5.1 Renishaw High Power Near Infrared Diode Laser, 300 mW at 785 nm, air cooled, with integral plasma filter for external mounting on laser kinematic baseplate (Renishaw, United Kingdom) with the following specification:
Excitation wavelength - 785 nm ± 0.25 nm
Stability of the frequency - < 1 cm-1
Reproducibility - < 1 cm-1
Absolute power of radiation - >= 300 mW
Stability of power - ± 1%
Lateral mode suppression ratio - -24 dB (0,4%)
Beam divergence - < 4 mRad
Polarization - linear, vertical (±5%)
1.5.2. Renishaw HeNe Laser, 17 mW at 633 nm with integral plasma ?lter for external mounting on laser kinematic baseplate (Renishaw, United Kingdom) with the following specification:
Excitation wavelength - 632,816 nm
Mode - > 90% TEM00
Minimal radiation output power without plasma filter - 12,5 mW
Radiation power without plasma filter - 17 mW
Stability of power - ±5%
Beam diamcter - 0.95 mm - ±5%
Beam divergence - 0.84 mRad ±5%
Polarization - linear, vertical (±5%).