Scientific Library

The library of the Institute of Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was founded by the Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine O.G. Goldman. He was an organizer of the Research Laboratory, the Kyiv Scientific-research Chair of Physics and the Institute of Physics. The lists of accessions to the library were published in the Ukrainian Physical Proceedings issued since 1926 under the editorship of O.G. Goldman. As early as in 1937, there were more than 4000 volumes in the library. With time, it became the most numerous library of scientific and technical literature in the field of physical fundamental and applied research in Ukraine. Such employees as V.K.Yanovych, N.K. Bilokon`, G.V. Pashina played an important role in the development of the library.

The library business hours are: 10 a.m.– 4 p.m.

Lunch hours are: 1 p.m. – 2 p.m.

The library is closed for technical reasons on the last working day of every month.

The unique feature of the library is that it stores more than 300 000 volumes (182 000 volumes of periodical, 30 000 volumes are synopses of theses, preprints and so on). The library is furnished with periodicals since the end of XIX century which is not only the subject of pride for our institute, but the national wealth of our country. The most complete sets are the following:

  • Annalen der Physik – (1900 – 1990)
  • Annalen der Physik und Chemie – (1877-1899)
  • Physical Review - (1913 – 2009)
  • Physical Rewiev Letters -(1958-2003)
  • Physikalishe Zeitschrift – (1899-1941)
  • Zeitschrift fur Physik – (1920 – 1973)
  • Ukrainian Journal of Physics – complete set
  • Zhurnal Russkogo Fiziko-Khimicheskogo Obshchestva – (1874-1930)

The library is also furnished with the complete sets of many rare editions, works of outstanding scientists (including books existing in an only copy in Ukraine), a wide range of scientific, technical and educational literature.

There is the wide-ranging reference section (cyclopedias, handbooks) in the library. The card-catalogue of monographs and important publications of the scientists working in the institute is kept since 1953. There are a lot of dictionaries.

In 2008, a creation of the electron catalogue was begun. It includes the data base of theses and synopses of theses, additions to the library, periodical published in Ukraine and CIS, monographs published since 1825 till the early 20th century).

The library gives service to more than 1050 individual subscribers. The library also supplies services on the library interloan with 30 organizations.