23 Aug | 2021
NANO-2021 Conference

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to participate in the 9th International Conference "Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials"( NANO-2021), which will take place on August 25-27, 2021 in the Lviv House of Scientists (Lviv, 6 Listopadovoho Chyna Street).

We suggest to consider the current state-of-art of Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials in Ukraine and in the world and discuss at the conference their further development. The main directions of the conference work: nanophysics and physicochemical materials science, nanobiotechnology for health care, nanoscale physics, nanobiotechnology and chemical technology, nanoplasmonics and enhanced vibrational spectroscopy, nanooptics and photonics, nanocomposites and nanomaterials.

Please see the online broadcast on YouTube, following next links.

First Day (2021.08.25)

Second Day (2021.08.26)

Third Day (2021.08.27)

Looking forward to seeing you in the Conference!

Organizing Committee of NANO-2021