The block of cooling of a PMT


The block of cooling of a PMT

It is intended for noise reduction of photomultiply tubes. Its application allows to increase the relation “signal / noise" more than by one order. It is applied for cooling of PMT such as a PMT - 39, 62, 68, 106

The block of cooling of a PMT The block of cooling of a PMT
The type of cryoagent liquid nitrogen
Overall dimensions, mm:
- Height:
- Diameter:

Weight, kg 2

Noise level of a photo- electronmultiplier such as a PMT - 62 (supply voltage -1,3 êV):

à) at room temperature; b) at 80Ê;


The block of cooling of a PMT


The block of cooling of a PMT

As it is visible from oscillograms, the noise level at temperature 80 K is reduced not less than in 20 times.