List of publications

2010 - p.t.

  • Terenetskaya I.P., Kapinos P.S., Orlova T.N., "UV biodosimeter with visual detection of vitamin D synthesis using θ-cell", Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 2014 [in print].
  • United States Patent US 8552391 B2.
    Authors: Terenetska I.P., Orlova T.N., Kirilenko E.K., Eremenko A.M., Galich G.A.
    Date of PCT filling is 23.03.2010. Date of Patent is 08.10.2013.
  • Ukrainian Patent Application U 2013 05215
    Authors: Samchenko Y.M., Terenetska I.P., Orlova T.M., Boldeskul I.E., Kapinos P.S., Ulberg Z.P.
    Date of filing Ukrainian patent application is 23.04.2013. Date of the decision to award patent is 22.08.2013.

    Заявка на Патент України U 2013 05215 від 23.04.2013. "Спосіб визначення біологічної дози ультрафіолетового випромінювання." Самченко Ю.М., Теренецька І.П., Орлова Т.М., Болдескул І.Є., Капінос П.С., Ульберг З.Р. / Рішення про видачу деклараційного патенту на корисну модель від 22.08.2013.
  • Terenetskaya I., Samchenko Y., Orlova T., Pasmurceva N., Kapinos P., Boldeskul I. and Ulberg Z. "Photoisomerization of Provitamin D in Hydrogel Matrix", Soft, 2013, Vol.2, pp.8-12.
  • Vasnetsov M.V., Kasyanyuk D.S., Terenetskaya I.P., Kapinos P.S., Slyusar V.V. "Disclination line in θ-Cell as an indicator of liquid crystal chirality", Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 2013, Vol.575, pp.57–63.
  • Orlova T., Moan J., Lagunova Z., Aksnes L., Terenetskaya I., Juzeniene A. "Increase in serum 25-hydroxyvitamin-D3 in humans after sunbed exposures compared to previtamin D3 synthesis in vitro", J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biology, 2013, Vol.122, pp.32-36.
  • Kapinos P., Orlova T., Terenetskaya I. "Method for the measurement of the vitamin-D synthetic capacity of UV radiation", Lighting engineering and power engineering, 2012, Vol.1(29), pp.25-33.
  • Terenetskaya I., Orlova T., Kapinos P. "Adequate UV exposures for healthy life: in situ monitoring and model calculation of the vitamin-D-synthetic capacity of sunlight", Chemistry Journal of Moldova. General, Industrial and Ecological Chemistry, 2012, Vol.7 (1), pp.98-103.
  • Irina Terenetskaya "The Little-Known Wavelength Effect in Provitamin D Photochemistry: The Ambiguous Role of the Weak Irreversible Channel", In: "Photochemistry: UV/VIS Spectroscopy, Photochemical Reactions and Photosynthesis", Eds. Karen J. Maes and Jaime M. Willems, Nova Publishers, 2011, pp.237-270 (chapter 6).
  • Orlova T.N., Terenetskaya I.P. "Polarization properties and structure changes of plane-oriented nematic LCs with provitamin D3 chiral dopant", Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 2011, Vol.547, pp.10[1700]–17[1707].
  • Terenetskaya I.P., Orlova T.N. "Collective character of previtamin D cis-trans isomerization in liquid-crystalline matrices", Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 2011, Vol.541, pp.96[334]–103[341].
  • Terenetskaya I., Orlova T. "Variability of solar UV-B irradiance: in situ monitoring and model calculation of the vitamin D synthetic capacity of sunlight", Int. J. Remote Sensing, 2011, Vol.32, Issue 21, pp.6205-6218.
  • Melnikova I., Terenetskaya I., Orlova T. "Modelling and observations of biologically active solar UV radiation: towards balancing between health risks and benefits", Proc. 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment "The GEOSS Era: Towards Operational Environmental Monitoring", paper 00535 pp.1-4, Sydney, Australia, 10-15 April 2011.
  • Ukrainian Patent UA 93569 C2.
    Authors: Terenetska I.P., Orlova T.N., Kirilenko E.K., Eremenko A.M., Galich G.A.
    Date of filing Ukrainian patent application is 24.03.2009. Date of effective is 25.02.2011.

    Патент України №93569. "Спосіб визначення in situ вітамін-D синтезувальної дози природного та штучного ультрафіолетового опромінення та персональний біодозиметр для його здійснення." Теренецька І.П., Орлова Т.Н., Кириленко Е.К., Еременко А.М.,Галич Г.А. / Заявл. 24.03.09; Опубл. 25.02.2011. Бюл.№4.
  • Orlova T.N., Terenetskaya I.P., Eremenko A.M., Surovtseva N. I. "Provitamin D doped silica and polymeric films: new materials for UV biosensor", Mat.Sci.Appl., 2010, Vol.1, pp.267-271.
  • Mukha Yu.P., Eremenko А.М., Smirnova N.P., Doroshenko A.О., Valakh M.Ya., Dzhagan V.I., Terenetskaya I.P., Orlova T.N. "Influence of gold nanoparticles in SiO2 matrix on the spectral properties and photochemistry of adsorbed molecules of Rhodamine 6G and provitamin D", Nanosystems, Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies, 2010, Vol.8, Issue 4, pp.813 – 828.
  • Orlova T.N., Terenetskaya I.P. "Numerical simulations of provitamin D3 photoisomerization kinetics: specific features of cis-trans isomerization in liquid crystals", Vestnik SNU, 2010, Vol.8(150), part 2, pp.36-43 [in Russian].
  • Orlova T.N., Terenetskaya I.P. "Specific features of provitamin D3 photoisomerization in a cholesteric liquid crystal", Opt. Spectr., 2010, Vol.108, pp.608-612.
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2005 - 2009

  • Orlova T.N., Terenetskaya I.P. "Possible use of provitamin D3 photoisomerization for spectral dosimetry of bioactive antirachitic UV radiation", Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 2009, Vol.76, Issue 2, pp.240-244.
  • Irina Terenetskaya "Limitations of the photostationary approximation in the photochemistry of provitamin D: The ambiguous role of the irreversible degradation channel", Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry, 2008, Vol.44, Issue 5, p.286.
  • Orlova T.N., Terenetskaya I.P. "Useful algorithm for calculations the vitamin-D synthetic capacity of sunlight", Proc. 18th Int. Congress of Biometeorology, Ecosystem Eco-P06 pp.1-4, 22-26 September, 2008, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Л.Н. Завора, Н.А. Касян, Л.Н. Лисецкмй, В.Д. Паникарская, И.П. Теренецкая, Т.Н.Орлова, С.И. Торгова "Фотоиндуцированный фазовый переход смектик - холестерик в жидкокристаллических матрицах, содержащих провитамин D", Жидкие кристаллы и их практическое использование, 2008, Вып.3(25), c.39-44.
  • T.N. Orlova, I.P. Terenetskaya "UV-biosensor for visual indication of vitamin D synthesis", Proc. SPIE, 2008, Vol.7003, 70031O.
  • I.P. Terenetskaya, T.N. Orlova "Personal UV biodosimeter for healthy indoor tanning", Proc. SPIE, 2008, Vol.6991, 69911F.
  • Orlova Tatiana N. "Optical and spectral properties of liquid crystals with photosensitive chiral steroid dopant", EPA Newsletters, 2007, Vol.12, pp.38-39.
  • Lisetski L.N., Panikarskaya V.D., Kasian N.A., Terenetskaya I.P. "Cholesteric liquid crystal sensors for detection of biologically active UV radiation", Диэлектрики и полупроводники в детекторах излучения, Харьков: НТК «Институт монокристаллов», 2006, c.200-208.
  • Irina Terenetskaya "Inter-relation between the in vivo and in vitro action spectra of vitamin D synthesis", Proc. of the 2nd CIE Symposium "Lighting and Health", September 7-8, 2006, Ottawa, Canada.
  • Egorov R.I., Orlova T.N., Terenetskaya I.P. "Stokes-polarimetry of UV-induced cholesteric pitch changes", NASU Reports, 2006, Vol.11, pp.73-78 [in Russian].
  • R. Bouillon, J. Eisman, M. Garabedian, M. Holick, J. Kleinschmidt, T. Suda, I. Terenetskaya, A. Webb "Action spectrum for the production of previtamin D3 in human skin", CIE Reports 174:2006.
  • Patent on Utility №15712
    Date of filing patent application is 06.01.2006. Date of effective is 17.07.2006

    Теренецька І.П. Спосіб вимірювання дози біоактивного ультрафіолетового випромінювання: Пат. №15712 Україна / Заявл. 06.01.06; Опубл. 17.07.06. Бюл. №7.
  • Orlova T.N., Terenetskaya I.P. "Specific features of photoisomerization of provitamin D3 in a nematic liquid crystal", Opt.Spectr., 2006, Vol.100, №4, pp.584-589.
  • Terenetskaya I., Orlova T. "UV radiation, vitamin D and cancer: how to measure the vitamin D synthetic capacity of UV sources?", Proc. SPIE, 2005, Vol.5969, pp.465-471.
  • Terenetskaya I., Orlova T., Gvozdovskyy I., Milinevsky G. "Solar UVB radiation and vitamin D synthesis: direct monitoring of the vitamin D synthetic capacity of sunlight in Kiev and in Antarctic", Annalen der Meteorologie, 2005, Vol.2, №41, pp.676-678.
  • Longin N. Lisetski, Valentina D. Panikarskaya, Natalya A. Kasyan, Leonid V. Grishchenko, Irina P. Terenetskaya "Bioequivalent UV detectors based on cholesteric liquid crystals: effects of spectral composition and quantitative account for intensity of UV radiation", Proc. SPIE, 2005, Vol.6023, 60230F.
  • I. Gvozdovskyy, T. Orlova, I. Terenetskaya "UV induced photoalignment and colour change in nematic liquid crystals with provitamin D dopant", Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 2005, Vol.430, pp.199-203.
  • I. Gvozdovskyy, T. Orlova, I. Terenetskaya "Features of Previtamin D cis-trans isomeriztaion in the nematic LC matrices: orientation ans cholesteric order effects", Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 2005, Vol.434, pp.325-332.
  • G. Chilaya, G. Petriashvili, I. Terenetskaya, A. Chanishvili, N. Kireeva, L. Lisetski "Provitamin D2 and Provitamin D3 phototransformations in cholesteric liquid crystal mixtures induced by UV radiation", Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 2005, Vol.433, pp.73-85.
  • Panikarskaya V.D., Kasyan N.A., Lisetski L.N., Terenetskaya I.P. "Effects of vitamin D group steroids on mesomorphic phase states of cholesteric sensor materials", Func. Materials, 2005, V.12, №4, pp.622-627.
  • I. Gvozdovskyy, T. Orlova, E. Salkova, I. Terenetskaya, G. Milinevsky "Ozone and solar UVB radiation: monitoring of the vitamin D synthetic capacity of sunlight in Kiev and Antarctica", Int.J. Remote Sensing, 2005, Vol.26, №16, pp.3555–3559.
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2000 - 2004

  • Киреева Н.А., Паникарская В.Д., Лисецкий Л.Н., Теренецкая И.П. "О возможности использования фотоиндуцированных превращений провитамина D в холестерическом растворителе для биоэквивалентной УФ-дозиметрии", Вісник ХНУ ім..В.Н.Каразіна, №637. Біофізичний вісник , 2004, № 1-2 (14), с.118-122.
  • M. Aronishidze; A. Chanishvili, G. Chilaya, G. Petriashvili; S. Tavzarashvili, L. Lisetski, I.Gvozdovskyy, I. Terenetskaya "Colour change effect based on provitamin D photoisomerization in cholesteric liquid crystalline mixtures", Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 2004, Vol.420, pp. 47–53.
  • I. Terenetskaya "Two methods for direct assessment of the vitamin D synthetic capacity of sunlight and artificial UV sources", J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol., 2004, Vol.89-90, pp.623-626.
  • I. A. Gvozdovskyy, Irina P. Terenetskaya, Victor Y. Reshetnyak "Dissolution of steroid crystals in a nematic droplet: effect of rotation", Proc. SPIE, Vol.2003, 5257, p.102.
  • Longin N. Lisetski, O. V. Vashchenko, V. D. Panikarskaya, O. T. Sidletskiy, Irina P. Terenetskaya "Cholesteric liquid crystals as sensor materials for bioequivalent UV-dosimetry", Proc. SPIE, 2003, Vol.5257, p.97.
  • L.N. Lisetski, N.A. Kireyeva, V.D. Panikarskaya, O.V. Vashchenko, G.S. Chilaya, I.P. Terenetskaya "Cholesteric liquid crystals as sensor materials for bioequivqlent UV-dosimetry", Журнал «Жидкие кристаллы и их практическое использование», Иваново, изд-во ИвГУ, 2003, вып.1, с.54-59.
  • I. Terenetskaya "Solar UV-B dosimetry in situ with ‘D-dosimeter’: effect of ozone depletion on the vitamin D synthetic capacity of sunlight", Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 2003, Vol.120, pp.45-50.
  • Irina Terenetskaya "Duality of solar UV-B radiation and relevant dosimetry: vitamin D synthesis versus skin erytema», (#4896-25), In: Ultraviolet Ground and Space -based measurements, Models and Effects.II, Eds Slusser JR, Herman JR and Gao W., Proc. SPIE, 2003, Vol. 4896, pp.144-150.
  • I. Gvozdovskyy, I. Terenetskaya "Steroid motor: dynamics of cholesteric helix induction in the nematic droplet", Liquuid Crystals Today, 2002, V.11, №4, pp. 8-12.
  • І.А. Гвоздовський, І.П. Теренецька "Ефект обертання стероїдних мікрокристалів в краплині нематика", УФЖ, 2002, Т.47, № 8, с.751-754.
  • И. А. Гвоздовский, И. П. Теренецкая "УФ индуцированные ориентационные эффекты в нематических ЖК, обусловленные фотопревращениями адсорбированного провитамина D3", Журнал научной и прикладной фотографии (J. Sci. & Appl. Photo.), 2002, т.47, №2, с.45-50.
  • Irina Terenetskaya "A possibility of ozone depletion monitoring in conditions of opaque atmosphere using ‘D-dosimeter’, In: Ultraviolet Ground and Space -based measurements, Models and Effects. Eds Slusser JR, Herman JR and Gao W., Proc. SPIE, 2002, Vol.4482, pp.305-312.
  • И.А. Гвоздовский, И.П. Теренецкая "Фотоориентация жидких кристаллов с помощью УФ облучения композитной пленки ПММА+провитамин Д3", Поверхность. Рентгеновские, синхротронные и нейтронные исследования, 2002, №2, с.80-83.
  • Igor Gvozdovskyy, Irina Terenetskaya "Development of personal UVB biosensor: detection of previtamin D photosynthesis", In: "Biologic Effects of Light 2001": Proceedings of a symposium, Boston, USA, June 16-18, 2001. M.F.Holick, Ed. Kluver Academic Publishers, 2002, Boston, pp.341-353.
  • I. Gvozdovsky, I. Terenetskaya "UV induced orientational change of nematic liquid crystalline molecules mediated by photoreactions of surface provitamin D3", Book of Abstracts, ICP XX, Moscow, July30 - August 4, 2001, pp.272-273.
  • I.P. Terenetskaya, I. A. Gvozdovskyy "In-situ monitoring of biologically active of solar UV-B radiation: A new biosensor of vitamin D synthetic capacity", SPIE Proceedings, 2001, Vol.4425, pp.183-188.
  • I. Terenetskaya, I. Gvozdovsky "Development of Personal UV Biodosimeter Based on Vitamin D Photosynthesis", Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 2001, Vol.368, pp.551-558.
  • O.V. Korzovska, L.N. Lisetski, I.P. Terenetskaya "On a possibility to monitor the provitamin D photo-isomerization using selective reflection properties of cholesteric liquid crystals", Visnyk Kharkiv University No.488 (Biophysical Bulletin, Ukraine) No.1(6), 2000, pp.71-74.
  • D. Bolsee, A. R. Webb, D. Gillotay, B. Dorschel, P. Knuschke, A. Krins, I. Terenetskaya "Laboratory facilities and recommendations for the characterization of biological ultraviolet dosimeters", Applied Optics, 2000, Vol.39, №16, pp.2813-2822.
  • I.Terenetskaya "Spectral Monitoring of Biologically Active Solar UVB Radiation Using an In Vitro Model of Vitamin D Synthesis", Talanta, 2000,Vol.53, No.1, pp. 195-203.
  • I.A. Gvozdovsky, I.P. Terenetskaya "Comparative study of the kinetics of provitamin D photo-isomerization in ethanol and in the liquid crystal", Functional Materials, 2000, Vol.7, №3, pp.508-512.
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1995 - 1999

  • A.G. Dyadyusha, I.A. Gvozdovsky, E.N. Salkova, I.P. Terenetskaya "Development of personal biodosimeter of UV radiation based on vitamin D photosynthesis in nematic liquid crystal matrix", Semiconductor Physics, Quantum and Optoelectronics, 1999, Vol.2, №4, pp.91-95.
  • O.N.Galkin, I.P. Terenetskaya, "Vitamin D" biodosimeter: basic characteristics and prospect applications", J.Photochem.Photobiol. B:Biology, 1999, Vol.53, №1, pp.12-19.
  • I.P. Terenetskaya, O.G. Galkin "Vitamin D" biodosimeter: a new tool for measuring the beneficial effects of UVB radiation", In: "Biologic Effects of Light 1998": Proceedings of a symposium, Basel, Switzerland, Nov.1-3, 1998/ Editors, Michael F. Holick and Ernst G. Jung, Kluver Acad. Publishers, 1999, pp. 169-172.
  • A.R. Webb, I.P. Terenetskaya "Combined study of antirachitic solar UVB radiation by spectroradiometer and "Vitamin D" biodosimeter", In: "Biologic Effects of Light 1998": Proceedings of a symposium, Basel, Switzerland, Nov.1-3, 1998/ Editors, Michael F. Holick and Ernst G. Jung, Kluver Acad. Publishers, 1999, pp. 153-155.
  • I. Terenetskaya "Vitamin D Biodosimeter: monitoring of antirachitic activity of solar UVB radiation", EC Air Pollution Research Report 71 "Biological UV dosimetry, a tool for assessing the impact of UV radiation on health and ecosystems", 1999, pp.158-168.
  • Irina P. Terenetskaya "The new method of UV dosimetry based on an in vitro model of previtamin D photosynthesis", Internet Virtual Conference "Protection Against the Hazards of UVR", 1999, Jan.18-Feb.5.
  • A.M. Evtushevsky, V.A. Kravchenko, G.P. Milinevsky, O.N. Galkin, E.S. Mingaleva, I.P.Terenetskaya "Using of the biodosimeter-D for study biologically active solar UV radiation at Vernadsky Station", Bulletin of the Ukrainian Antarctic Center (Ukr) Kyiv, 1997, Issue 1, pp.42-48.
  • O.G. Dmitrenko, G.M. Telbiz, I.P. Terenetskaya "Features of vitamin D3 interaction with an aerosil surface", Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 1997, VOl.69, №1, pp.103-107 [in Russian].
  • O.G. Dmitrenko, I.P. Terenetskaya and W.Reischl "Solvent effect on previtamin D conformational equilibrium and its photoreactions", J.Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chemistry, 1997, Vol.104, pp.113-117.
  • Yu.A. Repeyev, I.P. Terenetskaya "Laser photosynthesis of previtamin D: new effects under high-intensity picosecond irradiation", Sov. J. Quantum Electron., 1996, Vol.23, №8, pp.765-768.
  • O.G. Dmitrenko, A.A. Serikov, I.P.Terenetskaya "Model analysis of branching photoreactions with conformationally flexible intermediate", J.Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chemistry, 1996, Vol.96, pp.7-12.
  • I.P. Terenetskaya, Yu.A. Repeyev "Features of laser photosynthesis of previtamin D under high intensity picosecond irradiation", High Energy Chemistry, 1996, Vol.30, №5, pp.402-406.
  • I.P. Terenetskaya "Lasers in Vitamin D synthesis", Romanian Journal of Biophysics, 1995, Vol.5, №4, pp.263-277.
  • I.P. Terenetskaya, O.G. Dmitrenko, A.M. Eremenko "Conformational control in previtamin D photochemistry by heterogeneous reaction media", Research on Chemical Intermediates, 1995, Vol.21, №6, pp.653-664.
  • A.S. Tatikolov, O.G. Dmitrenko, I.P. Terenetskaya "Triplet-triplet energy transfer in sensibilized cis-trans isomerization of previtamin D", Khimicheskaya Fizika, 1995, Vol.14, №4, pp.73-77.
  • I.P. Terenetskaya " An in vitro model of previtamin D photosynthesis as possible monitor of ozone depletion and air pollution", Proc. 3rd European workshop on Polar stratospheric ozone (Schliersee, Bavaria, FRG, 18-22 September, 1995), EC Air pollution research report 56, pp.655-658.
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1988 - 1994

  • I.P. Terenetskaya "Provitamin D photoisomerization as possible UVB monitor: kinetic study using tunable dye laser", SPIE Proceedings of the Int. Conf. "Biomedical Optics'94", January 22-28, 1994, Los Angeles, USA, Vol.2134B “Ultraviolet Radiation Hazards”, pp.135-140.
  • O.G. Dmitrenko, I.P. Terenetskaya, N.Yu. Lopukhovich, V.M. Ogenko "On thermally induced conversions of vitamin D on the surface of dispersed SiO2", Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1994, Vol. 68, №12, pp.2252-2253.
  • I.P. Terenetskaya, N.A. Bogoslovsky, L.N. Vysotsky, F.I. Luknitsky "Routes to optimization of previtamin D photosyntesis using irradiation by a sunlamp", Pharm.Chem.J., 1994, Vol.28, №8, pp.589-596.
  • A.A. Serikov, I.P. Terenetskaya "The influence of radiation intensity on the pathways of phototransformations of conformationally mobile molecules", High Energy Chem., 1994, Vol.28, №3, pp.257-262.
  • I.P. Terenetskaya, Y.A. Samojlov, N.A. Bogoslovsky, L.N. Vysotsky, F.I. Luknitsky "Analysis of the two-stage irradiation of provitamin D taking into account the irreversible photoconversions of previtamin", Pharm.Chem.J., 1993, Vol.27, №11, pp.797- 803.
  • I.P. Terenetskaya, O.N. Galkin, N.A. Bogoslovsky "Irreversible reactions in the photochemistry of provitamin D under optically dense layer conditions", Pharm.Chemistry J., 1993, Vol.27, №4, pp.282-288.
  • I.P. Terenetskaya, O.G. Perminova, A.M. Yeremenko "Effect of environment on the conformational equilibrium and photoconversions of previtamin D", J.Mol.Struct., 1992, Vol.267, pp.93-98.
  • O.G. Dmitrenko, I.P. Terenetskaya "Theoretical basis for the possibility of the products conformational control of previtamin D photochemical conversions", Theoretical and Eksperimental Chemistry, 1991, Vol.29, №4, pp.326-332.
  • I.P. Terenetskaya "The conformational control in provitamin D photochemistry", Proc. of the 8th Workshop on vitamin D, Paris, France (July 5-10, 1991), pp.683- 684.
  • S.I. Gundorov, V.A. Davydenko, I.P. Terenetskaya, O.I. Yuschuk "Study of the kinetics and quantum efficiencies in the photochemistry of provitamin D using a tunable laser", Sov.J.Quantum Electron., 1991, Vol.21, pp.339-343.
  • I.P. Terenetskaya, S.I. Gundorov, E.B. Berik "Characteristics of photolysis of provitamin D by long-wavelength radiation", Sov.J.Quantum Electron., 1991, Vol.21, pp.472-474.
  • I.P. Terenetskaya, Yu.A. Repeyev "Provitamin D photoisomerization kinetics upon picosecond laser irradiation: the role of previtamin conformational non-equilibrium", in "Laser Applications in Life Sciences", Part Two: Lasers in Biophysics and Biomedicine, Proc. SPIE, Vol.1403, 1990, pp.500-503.
  • I.P. Terenetskaya, O.G. Perminova, A.M. Yeremenko "Photoisomerization of provitamin D in dispersive systems", J.Mol.Struct., 1990, Vol.219, pp.359-364.
  • N.A. Bogoslovsky, I.K. Berik, S.I. Gundorov, I.P. Terenetskaya "Characteristics of laser photolysis of provitamin D", High Energy Chem., 1989, Vol.23, pp.218-222.
  • I.P. Terenetskaya, S.I. Gundorov, V.I. Kravchenko, E.B. Berik "Nanosecond laser photolysis of provitamin D", Sov.J.Quantum Electronics, 1988, Vol.18, pp.1323-1327.
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