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Characterization and optimizing of new and modified Photorefractive materials

Study of the dynamics of coherent oscillation with four-wave mixing

Study of parametric interactions of four co-propagating light waves in photorefractives

Study of bulk photovoltaic effect and related optics nonlinearity

Study of feed-back assisted grating recording in photorefractive crystals

Study of space-charge wave excitation in semiconductor photorefractive materials

Study of light pulse slowing-down, trapping and release that is due to self diffraction

from the dynamic gratings in photorefractive materials

       Characterization and optimizing of new and modified Photorefractive materials:

- Sn2P2S6 (nominally undoped and doped with Fe, Sn, Pb, etc.);

- periodically poled lithium niobate with Fe;

- CdTe : Ge, CdTe : Sn;

- CdF2 : Ga.

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        Study of the dynamics of coherent oscillation with four-wave mixing:

- oscillation threshold as a critical point of optical phase transition  (First order or Second order optical phase transition);

- Supercritical bifurcations in oscillation spectra;

- double-frequency and  multi-frequency oscillation in phtorefractive crystals with two types of movable carriers; optical multivibrator;

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        Study of parametric interactions of four co-propagating light waves in photorefractives:

- parametric amplification and oscillation;

- investigation of parametric scattering;

- parametric processes in crystals with domain lattices.

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        Study of bulk photovoltaic effect and related optics nonlinearity:

- photovoltaic charge transport in PPLN.

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        Study of feed-back assisted grating recording in photorefractive crystals:

- feed back for photorefractives with local response;

- feed-back for crystal with nonlocal response

- feed-back for crystals with two types of charge carriers.

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        Study of space-charge wave excitation in semiconductor photorefractive materials:

- direct optical detection of space charge waves;

- generations of spatial subharmonics;

- optical sensitization of semiconductor photorefractive materials;

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        Study of light pulse slowing-down, trapping and release that is due to self diffraction from the dynamic gratings in photorefractive materials:

- pulse slowing down in Sn2P2S6;

- pulse slowing down in BaTiO3;

- pulse slowing down in SBN with applied electric field.


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