NASU corresponding member Anatoliy Negriyko


Position: Deputy director

Institution attended: Institute of Physics, NAS of Ukraine

Scientific interests: Lasers, laser spectroscopy, metrology, light pressure on atoms, molecules, solid particles.

Lecture title: Laser nanometrology

Lecture abstract: A special place in the using of lasers in nano metrology is determined by two factors. First, the laser wavelength (hundreds of nanometers) are close to the upper range of nanometer scale, and existing methods of interferometry able to measure the optical phase difference of the order of 10-4 - 10-5, providing a picometer resolution. Second, today a unit of length - meter is reproduced using standard optical radiations wavelengths, generated by laser sources, stabilized by quantum transitions of atoms, molecules or ions. So the unit of length traceability into the nanometer scale is quite naturally.

The lecture will addressed to the methods nanometrology based on the of lasers and laser radiation. The term "laser nanometrology" today is not common, but it allows to analyze the common positions referred to measuring technologies and approaches in nanometrology, to determine the prospects for improvement and further development.