

 Electro-optic measurement

For this purpose we use original home made set up. The schematic diagram of the set-up is presented below. The computer is programmed so that at the output we have a signal with a given shape, amplitude and frequency (10…2000Hz). Usually, sinusoidal voltage is used. The signal is amplified using a wide-band amplifier. The active value of the voltage applied to the cell is controlled by a computer. The averaged transmittance signal is detected by a photodiode also connected to the computer. Except T-U curves, this setup allows to measure T-f and T-t curves. Both aligned LC cells set between two polarizers and scattering layers of LC composites can be measured by this setup.

Scheme of electro-optic measurement set up
Photo of electro-optic measurement set up

Principal scheme and photograph of electro-optic set up

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Design by Ruslan Kravchuk
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